I have a problem with social media.
There. I said it. Thing is, I know I’m not alone as I’ve spoken to several people just this week who say the same. There is such fantastic content out there, whether it’s business advice, or comedians, or people pretending to be Weimaraners. However, due to my scrolling habit, I end up losing so much precious time. Nothing wrong with fun! And although it is often enjoyable to scroll–entertaining and informative–it is also frustrating because it really tests the weak limits of my self-discipline. Then I just feel drained, not inspired or entertained. When I examined the time spent on Instagram against the undone items on my to-do list, I was just, well, stunned.
So this week I looked into my scrolling habit and made it a little research project. Very interesting! Now I am not ashamed of this addiction plus I’ve found some tools which make it possible for me to scroll with more mindfulness. Now, I can still get value while I also reduce time wasted. What a relief because social media is so valuable for increasing your visibility and engaging with others–so important for business! There is so much great content to help writers and, below, I’ll share two reels that inspired me the most this week.
Created by the Most Educated People in the World!
Some of the best minds in the world are paid heaps of money to make social media addictive. There is a reason everything is available in clips that are rarely longer than 10 to 15 seconds and why, even if we are interested, we scroll when pieces are longer. When we see something we like, we crave more as we aren’t looking for depth through social media. Just quick hits. So after our “wow—that was cool” we’re scrolling and scrolling for the next thing that will make us laugh or think as hard as that last piece, that video that made being on Instagram worth our while. It’s all about inducing cravings for the next dopamine high.
And you get those highs from posting as well, according to Addiction Centre.
Why is it So Addictive?
People love posting to social media for the same reasons they come to me to write a book. Because they have something to share with the world. They want to make their mark and leave their mark through stories. Their micro stories on social media get them attention through likes, comments, and followers. When you post something about yourself and someone likes it, you are on par with all the celebrities out there.
But you have to be careful as the addiction is real. Again from the report by Addiction Centre:
Studies have shown that the constant stream of retweets, likes, and shares from these sites cause the brain’s reward area to trigger the same kind of chemical reaction seen with drugs like cocaine. In fact, neuroscientists have compared social media interaction to a syringe of dopamine being injected straight into the system.
Best of Instagram This Week
It worries me, but it’s ubiquitous! We all use it for fun and for business reasons. This week I found two posts which made me really think and because of them I did make some changes in my routines and how I start my day.
This is the first post:
And this is the second one:
Video 1: What Would a Zillionaire Do If Starting Again Today?
One was the reply from a very successful one percenters when asked what they would do differently if they were starting their business today. He said he would go to the five most influential people he knew and offer to work for them for free for a month. After which he’d say, to continue, it costs this much. And in any case, what I’d like is a testimonial. From that, he said he would accelerate his visibility and credibility through testimonials—social proof—from high profile people.
We discussed this idea in our last WRITE NOW Club meeting and members are tasked with thinking of who their five people might be. Want to join in the fun? First look amongst your existing contacts then create a stretch goal: Using Linkedin, find an influencer you admire. You may be surprised to see one of your colleagues knows them. Someone you know may be able to introduce you to them, then you can make your ask.
We had fun with this one and I know it will help us get our stories out.
Video 2: What Five Things Would Get You Your Desired Result?
In the other video that inspired me, a woman carrying an axe tells us, “If you hit a tree five times each day, eventually that tree is going to fall.” That is the desired result. So, what are the five things you need to do (whether business or pleasure) that will allow you to get your desired results, whatever they are?
With regards to getting a book out, one of those chops would be spending a consistent amount of time writing. As it is consistent, there is no need for it to be hours. A single fifteen minute block of time each day will get you to your goal of completing a draft. Think of it: what if in fifteen minutes you can write 500 words? It will take you 100 days then, to have 50,000 words. Consistency will get you there.
Acting on This Great Advice
For me, my desired result is getting more people to work with me on their books. It’s about getting people to know, trust and see me as that visible and organized person that they can trust to support and guide them through the publishing process. That’s what you want in a book coach right? Someone with an organized process that will lead you to get your story out and through that help others. That’s what I want to use social media for. To consistently let people know who I am and who I help and how I do it.
How about you? If you are on this page, it is probably because a book is one of the things that will get you your desired results and you are wondering how to create a consistent practice, probably as you don’t know where to start. I can help with that!
Tools to Help You Scroll With More Care
The main thing I want to say about social media is that there is so much great content out there, but getting to that material without spending so much time scrolling is tricky.
I love comedians, great business advice, and cat videos. To help me engage safely, I’m using a tracker that monitors the amount of time I spend on various apps. It is a feature of most cellphones. A second great tool can be flicked on right in Instagram: Now if I am on Instagram, after 10 minutes I am interrupted by a blacked out screen with a message asking me if I need to take a break. You can set the timer for 20, 30, or even 60 minutes. Very helpful and I think it will help me be more mindful of my time on social media and thus helpful with the productivity I need to grow my awesome business.
Are you concerned about how much time you spend on social media? What are you doing to use social media in a healthier way?