Writers need to connect. Hearing feedback helps you improve your writing. When other writers share what has worked for them, it can inspire you to try new tricks. Plus when it is time to launch, you have a whole group of people motivated to help you. Just as you’ll help them.

There are many writing groups around the country but meeting online may make it easier to fit writing into your schedule (plus it IS the only way to meet these days). For $99 CAD/month (plus applicable taxes), I can support you through an online membership group, offering opportunities to improve your craft, learn more about publishing, meet other writers as well as designers, illustrators, published authors living off the trade, book marketing specialists, agents, and publishers. Through the group you get an accountability partner and what most people say is the best thing is the motivation to keep on writing. 

Writing does not need to be a solitary pursuit. Imagine how much more fun you’d have doing it if you met every week or as frequently as you want with others who have the same goal: to publish their best possible book within a year.

 You’ll find the times and dates of the meetings on the events page of this website. We have a private membership site as well as a Facebook group, all of which serve to make you a better writer. The mission is to help you discover strategies and opportunities to increase your target audiences’s awareness of both you and your book as a life-changing product that they just NEED to buy. 

We have (all times are EST):

  • regular bi-weekly Thursday evening meetings at 6:30-8 pm
  • Accountability & Marketing on Tuesdays at noon
  • Creativity Wednesday Webinars also at noon
  • On Fridays, come with your questions about your WIP (Work in Progress) and we’ll answer them and help move you through any blocks at guess what time? NOON!
  • Shut Up–WRITE NOW on weekday mornings from 7:30
  • Plus you’ll receive a newsletter and community support on all you do

Join the WRITE NOW Club right NOW!