We all have a story — what’s yours? Are you at the idea stage or is your manuscript almost ready to go? Have a published book that needs more visibility? Akosua (Jackie) Brown and team can help. Let Akosua and her team be your expert partners in your traditional or self-publishing journey.
All Genres Supported!
Are you writing a children’s book or a business book? Self-help or memoir? Fiction? Romance, thriller, sci-fi? A work showcasing diversity? Akosua is a book coach, editor, and story expert who also offers ghostwriting services. She has experience with all genres and looks forward to working with you to make your words shine.
We have a design team to provide covers and interior design of print books and our book sales expert, Maxine Wray, will have you set up for Amazon and other sales platforms in no time. She will produce a marketing and strategy report. We offer professional implementation of the strategy at a price you will not find anywhere else. We offer sales, PR, and marketing support.
Our aim is that your book will compare with your favourite book in your genre, whether fiction, non-fiction, or children’s. When you work with What’s Your Story – Author Services (formerly Jackie Brown Books), your work will have the look, feel, and quality of anything produced by traditional publishers because that is where leader, Akosua (Jackie) Brown, learned and developed her skills, processes, and dedication to quality.
Traditional Publishing
Akosua worked not only in traditional publishing, but also with a literary agency. She continues to develop contacts and remain deeply engrossed in the full publishing industry. If you would like help getting a publishing deal, talk to Akosua, and she’ll do everything in her power to help you find, target, approach, and win-over the right literary agent or publisher for you and your project.
Marketing Support
Got books you published languishing in boxes? Need ideas to boost sales? Then click that green button. We can help you get those books out of your basement, garage, or storage container and into the hands of the readers who are dying to hear your words!
Ready for the Next Step?
The next step would be an online meeting where you tell me all about your project and I’ll give you advice on how to get it DONE. All the information and advice is absolutely free of cost and there is obligation to work with me afterwards; however, if you would like to, that would be wonderful. You can contact me by email (akosua@whatsyourstoryauthorservices.com) or click on the button below and it will take you to my calendar where you can select a time that works for your schedule.