WYCR Talk: Achieving Your Publishing Goals with a Book Coach
In this talk we’ll describe the book coach-writer relationship. Book coaches are your partner in your publishing process, providing you with accountability, editing, and publishing consultancy. A book coach gets you to the finish line as you regularly scheduled meetings keep you on track to meet your deadlines. This type of accountability can help you complete your first book, especially if you’re a first-time writer or if you are writing in a different genre.
Book coaches work with you throughout your writing journey saving you time by engaging with you along the way. This way you know how to develop your voice and content through expert guidance every step of the way. This helps whether you plan to seek traditional representation (where you book coach will help you in the pitching process) or if you plan to self-publish.
In addition, as I am a specialist in Diversity in Publishing, I can also provide some critical support in ensuring your book supports rather than accidentally offends “the other”. If your protagonist, antagonist, or supporting characters are from a community that you are not part of, this talk is for you!