Book Launch: Nineteen Tales of COVID-19

Book Launch: Nineteen Tales of COVID-19


Nineteen Tales of COVID-19 is an anthology of stories–fiction, non-fiction, and poetry–about the authors’ experiences in this pandemic. Stories cover the challenging to the enlightening experiences that you probably have also experienced. These are our COVID-stories and we think you’ll find great things to keep you surprised, perhaps educated, and definitely entertained within these tales.

Nineteen Tales of COVID-19 anthology

We feature love stories as well as stories describing the end of relationships. We describe people who managed to thrive and others who fought to survive. Some feature humour–imagine a conspiracy of rabbits behind the most disastrous periods of human civilizations. We think we’re on top, but …. ARE WE? And others will make you cry, such as Frankie Cameron’s story of losing her mother-in-law during this time and Eugenie describes how hard it is to support the elderly during a time where they were vulnerable and unprotected.

A new book is always a time to celebrate, isn’t it? And we have a party planned for you! We’ve got live music, readings from the book, as well as many, many prizes all of which have a minimum value of $50. So you won’t want to miss this.

And did I mention, tickets are FREE?

Register and we’ll see you live online on the 28th. Bring your copy if you have one, or buy a copy on the night.


Jan 28 2021


6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Online Group Meeting


Online Group Meeting
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